Tuesday 20 September 2011

Business is earning or losing

Business owners understand the importance of their investments. It is imperative to know and be sure if the business is earning or losing, or if it needs some restructuring. And this can only be done by having a good accounting system. However, it is also true that not all entrepreneurs are good at numbers; much less, at accounting. That is why a lot of them resort to hiring accountants.
Accountants are professionals and are under a regulating body. Among these bodies are the IASB and FASB. Their main concern is to analyze the progress of a business and find out if there is more money coming in than the money going out or vice versa. It is the accountant who gives the clients sound advice of what strategies and moves the company must make. In short, the accountant works hand-in-hand with the entrepreneur to make sure the investment is going fine.
However, even as this may be the case, complaints are often heard from business owners themselves about their accountants. Here are among the most common complaints heard.
1.The client cannot get the accountant when the need arises and that the accountant does not return phone calls.

Accountants in Manchester

This is a common concern of clients. This is probably because one must have taken, instead of an accountant, a tax agent. When there is a need other than tax concerns, the one hired may not be very effective and finds it hard to explain oneself to the client. This is also probably the reason why phone calls are not returned. Furthermore, tax agents are concerned with past transactions and records which are necessary for completing a tax return while the accountant looks at future plans and works closely with the owner not only with tax issues but with the finances of the company.
What can be done?
The quickest and best solution to these complaints is to find another accountant. There is no point in staying with an accounting group that does not satisfy the needs of the client.
In doing so, the owner should review all tax returns and financial statements done by the accountant. Questions and clarifications have to be made before leaving this accountant so that ample and accurate information may be provided to the new accountant.
In choosing a new accountant, one should go for someone who works at a level that is higher than the previous one. After this is done, the owner must inform the first accountant that their services will no longer be needed for the next month.
Should the old accountant bill unreasonably, this should be clarified by the owner. Moreover the new accountant should have to formally inform the previous accountant of the changes.
2.Accountants never recommend what to do to improve things and that they are useless.
Many company owners say that their accountants are useless because they cannot produce management accounts on time. In answer to this, accountants say that it is their clients that do not provide the pertinent information on time.
Though the fault is on both sides, it is important for the accountant not to commit to something that it cannot fulfill because this can just disappoint the client. On the other hand, the client should be specific about what services are needed by the company. The manager, owner, or director should not presume that the accountant knows everything that is needed by the company.
If finding a new accountant will prove futile, then another solution is to get an accounting software. Software for accounting does not need to be operated by an accountant. This can be done even by the owner if knowledge and training are more than just basic. Accounting software packages are available and convenient. Like Shoebooks, a company that offers accounting software, the program can be installed on any computer. And since this is online, the account may be accessed by anyone who has the password from any computer or laptop anytime. This software for accounting provides power in the hands of the owner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6545106